ALL Badge.JPG (35123 bytes)

Click here to view the Australian Air League (Victoria) web site.


ALL Badge.JPG (35123 bytes)

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While the Officer Commanding 'Mayhew Wing' in the Easter Suburbs of Melbourne, we conducted many camps for the Cadets where all sorts of skills were taught during the early 1970s.

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As a Drill instructor when I first joined the Air League in 1970

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Making plans for the day's activities.

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Taken during the various camps held throughout Victoria

I was very thrilled to be asked to present my son Graeme with his Sergeants stripes.

His Grandfather below makes an Embroided Air League Badge.
Himself an old WW1 & WW2 digger.

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Taken during the various camps held throughout Victoria

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In June 2003 I returned to the
Australian Air League for a short time and served as their Victorian 'Public Relations Officer' until illness forced my to retire.

Presented and edited by Sqn. Lt. Hugh Williams
Past Victorian Group Public Relations Officer

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