'Dawn Encounter'
This film is now available through the Screen Sound Australia's collection. I.D File Number 538848-1

It was filmed at a disused golf course in Mount Waverley, Victoria. It was being prepared for a housing estate with the earth works in progress and it had been raining heavily. It looked like a portion of a World War One battle field, this gave me the idea for making the film. My father was as original Anzac and a veteran of the battle fields of France and Belgium and we asked him for technical advice. We filmed it in black and white to make it seem real, it worked. The transfer to video also made it look like very old footage. I have been asked many times if it was taken from professional footage.

Lets Go.jpg (33783 bytes)             letterhome.JPG (69859 bytes)

Cast:-Tom Walton and  Doug Hoffman

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Revised: August 12, 2008.