cpl Ivor Colour 1917.jpg (33032 bytes)
Cpl. Ivor Williams   1917


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Graeme and his Dad, both very proud
of their Military Heritage

Cpl. Ivor Williams

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Cpl. Hugh Williams 1956


ANZAC day 2000 started early, a lot earlier than usual. We, that is my father and I got up and went straight down to the Southport (Qld) R.S.L. for a gunfire breakfast, traditionally, I was told, is "bangers & mash", not bad either.
I flew up from Melbourne especially for this morning, as it was a special day for me, not only because it was ANZAC day, but to march with Dad and his mates, the Southport NASHO'S, I have heard so much about them over the years and now I was marching with them, it truly was a honour.
The march began at approx. 8.30am outside the R.S.L. with people from all kinds of organisations, both military and civilian. I really didn’t know what to expect or how I would feel as this was all new to me.
I was made an honorary member or supporter of the Southport branch of the National Serviceman's Association, and was entitled to wear the required insignia, and the actual medals that were awarded to my beloved Grandfather who fought on the shores of ANZAC and later in France and Belgium when serving with the 21st battalion of the 1st. A.I.F. 1915-1919.
I really don’t know how to express the feelings I was experiencing as I marched with this group of proud men and women; overwhelmed would be a good word to sum it up.
As I saw my Father only three ranks and to the left of me he stood as straight as a post, head held high, just as his father did those 85 years before on this very day as a young man, he was the same age as my own son. I wondered, how would his father have felt, I think it would be a mixture of "pain and pride", because that's how I would have felt.
I know this, because they were some of the emotions that hit me as I stood on your shores and laid the wreath on behalf of my father, your National President and for the National Servicemen of Australia. Thanks for the privilege.

My Dad wrote a book called "My hero my Dad", well I have two.

Graeme Williams.                                                   25 April 2000

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